Is Your Roof Leaking?

How old is your roof? Roofs are meant to last for a little more than 20 years. The closer they get to this age, the more likely it will spring a leak. Leaky roofs can develop for several reasons and can cause a multitude of problems.

Why do roofs begin to leak?

There are a couple of reasons why roofs begin to leak.

Did you get the roof replaced? An improper roof installation can cause leaks to spring in several places.
Was there a storm recently? Wind and storm damage can remove shingles, dent metal, and crack tiles. This is the most common reason why leaks occur. H
How often is your roof maintenanced? Making sure your roof is clean of debris and mold is paramount to preventing leaks.

What do leaks in your roof cause?

1.Mold and Mildew

One of the most severe issues caused by leaks is mold and mildew. A small leak can turn into mold growth in your attic. This mold can spread to other areas of your home and even get into your HVAC system! Long-term exposure can cause respiratory issues and more severe health problems.

2.Interior Damage

Interior damage is probably the most telling symptom of leaking your roof. The ceiling will begin to turn darker, and paint might start to peel. It might even begin to dip or form a bubble where water is collecting. There might be extensive damage to the attic when it gets to this point and will need to be repaired as soon as possible.

3.Fire Hazard

I know what you’re thinking; how can a water leak cause a fire hazard? Well, water leaking into your attic may hit electrical wires and cause a short. Shorts can cause sparks, and sparks can lead to fire!

4.Structural Integrity

When water leaks into your home, the most obvious damage that would be caused is to the fascia boards (the wood boards that go below the roof material), the ceiling joists, and wall framing. Water can even flow down into the foundation of your home, causing significant expensive damage.

In short, having a leak from your roof can cause significant issues that can turn a simple repair into an expensive construction job. The faster you can get a leak taken care of, the better for your roof and your home.