Seeking Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me in Orlando Florida?

Consult With The Professionals at APC Roofing!

Dial 407-954-8848 To Get A Free Roofing Quote!

A strong, top-caliber roof is a crucial element of every house that homeowners in Orlando Florida dedicate money for to safeguard their properties.

Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me can help preserve the monetary worth and aesthetics of a home, making a house safe, restful, and functional.

That is why Orlando Florida home owners must keep tabs on their roofing requirements as the years go by.

How Can This Be Accomplished By Homeowners in Orlando Florida?

With diligent roofing upkeep, roof repairs as required, and other requirements done by a professional roofer such as APC Roofing, it is feasible to get a complete service life from any roof installation.

Whether you are in the market for ceramic tile, asphalt shingles, standing seam metal, or any other type of roof for your residence in Orlando Florida, the roofing contractors at APC Roofing are ready to be of help.

We employ and situate high-quality roofing resources you can count on to protect your home against high heat, high gales, and other harsh weather that can be prevalent in Orlando Florida.

Just call us at 407-954-8848 now to schedule a zero-cost, no obligation quote for Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me and we will help inexpensively care for your house.

Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me May Be Vital For Homes in Orlando Florida

A durable roof is every home's primary shield against the weather in Orlando Florida.

It is also a vital structural component and helps home owners keep their home interiors comfortable and climate-controlled during the various seasonal cycles.

There are a multitude of choices for Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me available now, each with its benefits and drawbacks.

The correct choice can be of importance to having a a roof that can endure the local conditions for many years into the future or having a roof that declines before its time.

By selecting top-tier roofing of the correct type, Orlando Florida residence owners can ensure that their roofing investment is well-made so their roof holds up a long time.

Meeting Home Owners Needs In Orlando Florida

When the occasion comes to seek Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me for your house, the experienced specialists at APC Roofing are ready to help!

We are certified, bonded, and knowledgeable about the numerous varieties of roofing systems that are fitting for residences in Orlando Florida.

We can help you find the ideal kind of roofing products for your house within your price range that appeals to your taste and will deliver a long time of reliable protection.

APC Roofing conducts roof installations of several kinds plus roof examinations, roofing maintenance as well as restoration, and whatever services needed to keep your home in good condition year after year.

Regardless what style of home you have and what sort of roofing services you must have, APC Roofing can be depended upon to make it happen!

The Value of Quality Roofing To Orlando Florida House Owners

Why does the variety and quality of Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me make a difference when house owners in Orlando Florida need roofing work?

  • Top-quality roofing can supply long-term, cost-effective protection for houses in Orlando Florida that supplies home owners top worth for the cost!
  • The right roof can improve the energy productivity of a residence, leading to increased comfort and reduced utility bills!
  • Superb roofing services provided by dependable Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me allows householders save money on upkeep and fixes over the years!
  • First-rate roofing materials are a cost-effective investment in house maintenance and protection!
  • An excellent, elegant roofing installation executed by a trained roofer will increase street charm and home value immediately!
  • With so many Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me around today, there are reliable and affordable options for every homeowner in Orlando Florida!

Why Is APC Roofing The Preferred Selection For Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me In Orlando Florida?

What makes APC Roofing a house owner's wisest selection to protect the investment in their roof as well as their residence?

  • APC Roofing is accredited, qualified, and insured, delivering outstanding skillfulness for our Orlando Florida clientele!
  • The professionals at APC Roofing have experience in the construction, repair, and upkeep of a broad range of roof systems!
  • We provide free-of-charge, obligation-free roof assessments no matter what variety of roof services you need!
  • From planning to finishing, our experienced roofers will explore your roofing needs, help you choose the best strategy that suits your budget, and then do the work to repair your roof!
  • We understand the significance of transparency when selecting a roofer and include our clients in all aspects of the roofing projects that we do.
  • APC Roofing is never pleased until our patrons are happy!
  • We make use of only the highest-quality roofing products to consistently supply excellent roofing that lasts!

Need Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me in Orlando Florida? APC Roofing Is The Leading Selection!

One of the most essential elements preserving every home is a sturdy, well-managed roof.

Because there are so many alternatives and deviations in excellence, performance, and energy conservation supplied now, it can be challenging to discern which to choose.

APC Roofing will be of assistance by evaluating your present roof installation, then suggest the optimal roofing solution to satisfy your requirements.

No matter if it is a roofing restoration strategy to increase the life of your roof or an entire new roof is needed, APC Roofing is equipped to help secure your residence.

If you need Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me for your house in Orlando Florida, the roofing specialist to contact is APC Roofing.

We have the expertise and knowledge to solve your roofing challenges quickly and affordably, without the headaches that are usual when engaging with less accomplished contractors

Our goal is to make certain that your roofing outlay is a wise one that will satisfy every roofing needs and supply a long period of security and uncomplicated home enjoyment.

Reach APC Roofing and inquire about a complimentary roofing evaluation now - find out what APC Roofing can do for you!

Seeking Standing Seam Metal Roofing Contractors Near Me in Orlando Florida?

Contact The Experienced Roofers at APC Roofing!

Call 407-954-8848 Today!


Roofing FAQs

How do I determine when my roofing needs restoration?

What duration does a roof last?

These are just several inquiries that we hear about .With all the recent talk about roofing, we thought it would be an excellent idea to gather some frequently asked inquiries for you.

Browse through our list down below!

General Roofing FAQs

What is the price does an updated roof price?

The usual price to replace a roof can vary considerably.

If you decide with HomeAdvisor's assessment, the standard span for installation expenses is ranging from $5100 and $10,000; nevertheless, whether your residence has an oddly formed roof or necessitates specific items, then that number might be substantially more!

For instance, a single company in our region asks for as low as $1200 per square foot but a different firm I understand of only charges around $30,000 - so it all depends on what kind of job they have executed previously. Naturally, costs fluctuate according to the season too: a few companies' charges may shift from month to the next, depending on how much snowfall there was the previous winter or if this warm season had additional humidity than typical.

How much time does a roofing system last?

The lifespan of a roofing system depends on the type you pick.

How much time does asphalt shingle endure?

You can anticipate approximately twenty years out of these, but that is only in case it's taken care of and correctly cared for with essential fixes made timely.

How do I identify when my roof needs replacing?

Look for shingles with curled or bowed borders. In case there are bald spots, that could be a sign of loss of granules and your roof may consider to be replaced soon.

When you can detect the tile tabs while walking on it; those could mean breaks which will over time become gaps. This is especially true if more than one tab has been broken at some moment because this denotes deterioration from time and also wear-and-tear! It's meriting examining out sooner instead of later therefore that these tiny concerns don't become costing bigger ones down the line - not to note how miserable you'll possibly discover dwelling beneath them continuously!

How much does insurance protection usually cover for a fresh roofing system?

Home owners protection policies typically only cover to replace or mend roofing systems after they have been impaired by an act of nature, such as severe downpour. Whenever you're not sure if your coverage protects this type of destruction, telephone us and we'll be more than glad to inspect it for you!

What number of seasons is a roof good for?

Some roofs persist significantly lengthier than others. Rock, ceramic, and bronze can be resilient enough to endure 50 seasons, fiber cement shingles usually only endure about 25-30 years, and asphalt shingle roofs persist about 20 years.

Does an updated roof boost house value?

An updated roofing system is a wise decision. Considering the average expense of a home in the United States at $240,000 to 230 million dollars and roofing systems lasting a typical life expectancy of 20 decades, having your old shingles swapped with brand spanking new ones will give you that lovely emotion of rejuvenation from all angles without costing as much as acquiring two homes for various folks!

Even though not all home requires or wants their roofing reworked because it doesn't create rationale economically, there's doubt that doing so offers one element more curb appeal than anyother upgrade could aspire to do on its own accord - even though they're necessitated by leaky pipes below when rains begin pouring down stronger during these next few months.

What’s seen as an old roofing system?

A roof that has been around for 25 to 30 years might need a complete replacement, even if it seems like the roofing isn't in poor shape. Elder roofs are typically made of elements which plainly aren't useful or durable anymore, and with those sorts of problems, come troubles including leaks.

Should I buy a property with an outdated roofing system?

Old roofs are a top obstacles when it comes to acquiring a house, and for valid reason. Properly cared for roofing systems can last 30 years or more—but poorly installed, inferior shingles and tiles imply upgrading your roofing much sooner!

I have a leaking roof. Does property owner's protection cover leaks?

Homeowner’s insurance may assist with certain sorts of destruction to your house, but it is usually not the optimal way to proceed about handling these concerns.

Unlike a yearly property owners strategy that has coverage for sudden and unintentional harm like storm-caused hail or windstorms, those searching for assistance in fixing dripping roofing might want instead to consider umbrella plans which offer added safeguard against events outside what are deemed usual threats under regular homeowner coverages such as legal actions connected to injury on property from someone else's negligence.

What specifically should I ask my roofing contractor?

Most folks require a new roof at some moment in their life. An excellent interrogation to start with is "what sort of roofing systems do you set up?". The finest method to locate the right contracting professional for your project, of course, is by asking them queries about what they concentrate on and where they are located - both in the local area and nationally. There's no requirement for too many interrogations when it comes time to substitute your roofing shingles!

Should I stay at my house during a roof replacement?

The easy answer is yes. But you need to be mindful of what it's like on the interior and outside your residence during your upgrade. In case you plan on evading the roof drainage encircling your house, then perhaps staying at a buddy's place can be suitable for you if they have dogs that adore individuals!

Do roofing professionals have to come indoors?

The inside of your residence is an area that's often forgotten during inspections. A professional with an emphasis on quality services will have to come inside for any comprehensive assessment, and this includes looking at the top floor or subfloor where moisture seepage can lead to grave detriment if left unaddressed.

Shingle Roof FAQs

How do you know whenever your asphalt roofing needs to be replaced?

The answer is apparent in clear clues.

The first indicator that it's time for a new roofing system change is if the edges of your composite shingles are curled or have tabs on them that make them bowed; this means they're shedding granules and will not guard against precipitation well anymore.

If there are bare spots where granule depletion has occurred due to lack of defense by these tattered pieces, then it may also indicate it’s needed to replace the whole lot.

How long will shingle roofing endure?

Aerated correctly and installed properly, you can anticipate to get approximately 80-85% of the life span out of asphalt roofs. That indicates that if your 3-tab shingles were well maintained, they might theoretically last up to 20 years or so before degrading!

How much to replace a composite roof?

Most homeowners shell out between $6,000 and $10,000 for their updated roofing. Expenses could be as low as $1,000 but can rise to staggering figures of nearly $50,000. The higher amount, in most scenarios, indicates better quality care that will survive longer durations than the more affordable options. So, think about what you want your home's roofing design to be prior to finalizing a contract with a builder or firm.

How often does an asphalt roofing system require being changed?

Typically, an asphalt shingle roof should be swapped out every 12-20 years. The kind of substance used will influence how frequently theinstallation is needed; composition roofing systems require to be replaced more regularly than asphalt or wood because they are less durable and brittle.

What roofing system color is the most temperature-efficient?

This query has been discussed for years. Dark exteriors are superior heat retainers, and historically temperature-efficient roofing have consistently been white to optimize their performance. Berkeley Lab studies has demonstrated that elevating a roof's reflectivity to the sun from about 20% to roughly 55% can diminish cooling energy by up to 20%.

Does insurance protection handle an updated shingle roofing system?

It's crucial to recognize that most house insurance agreements cover the expense of a updated roof When it is hurt by a natural occurrence or abrupt eventuality. Most property owner protections won't pay to swap out, repair, or even handle a roof that has declined over time due to usage and deterioration.

Is a black roof a beneficial choice?

Many folks have heard that deeper-colored roofing systems absorb more thermal energy, which is why many think they're not ideal for their homes. But with right airflow and padding in the loft as well as heat-reflective shingles or tiles on your roof – you can make it energy efficient!

Metal Roof FAQs

Does a steel roof enhance house value?

A modern steel roof on your existing or fresh home can improve that home's resale worth by 1 to 6% when contrasted with an asphalt-shingled one. Furthermore, you'll recover most of the expenditure in as few as six years.

What is the cost for a metal roof?

Homeowners can anticipate steel roofing prices to vary from $5 to $14 per square foot based on the type of roofing system installed. Steel is the prevalent, with set up pricing at an approximate of about $35k for an 1,800 sq ft home.

Does a metallic roof decrease your coverage?

Insurers often take into account the type of roof and high-quality substance into their restoration costs.

Roofing made from slate, tile or concrete shingles give the greatest safeguard but also price more to substitute than ones with weaker materials like aluminum side paneling.

Nevertheless, roofs that perform more effectively will usually cost fewer to protect because they are easier for property owners when it comes time to make claims in case something does happen such as hail damage or intense weather conditions.

Which color of metal roofs is optimal for your location?

When you live in a region that experiences plenty of sunny days and scorching conditions, it's smart to choose a pale color such as white, light bronze, beige, or peach.

Do metal roofs noisy?

Steel is generally an even quieter choice than asphalt shingles. They are also energy-efficient and eco-friendly!

Does a steel roof affect wireless signals?

It's true that generally, a metallic roofing system will have slight effect on your WiFi signals; but, if you're observing poor connection speeds or dropped linkages with frequency, then these problems probably come from specific weak reception in particular regions of the residence and are not a problem arising from the physical layout of your residence itself.

Does a metallic roof affect cellular device signal?

A metal roof is just one of many building components that may diminish or disrupt the connection from a nearby cell tower.

Usually, whether you do have unstable connection in your home, it will be due to the cumulative impact of all these variables. That's why a few individuals believe their metal roofing systems are creating problems with their mobile phones!

In fact, they're not doing a thing mistaken in the slightest but rather it may be brought about by other factors such as new building close-by and even trees which can disrupt signals to some degree too.

Are metal roofing systems hail-proof?

Metallic roofs are tough and hail-guarded! In fact, most steel roof materials have Class 4 impact resistance and hailstones evaluations given by Underwriters' Laboratory. This means that when a hailstorm strikes your property, the worst you'll observe is some minor surface damage to your shingle.

Do metallic roofing systems make your home more heated?

Metal roofs are cooler than other kinds of roofing systems materials. Unlike asphalt shingles, metallic roofs have a minimal heat retention and bounce back light more efficiently which makes them airier in the summertime. You ought to be capable to relish your residence's AC without worrying about it being too chilly!

Is a metal roof harmful for your television receiver?

Metal roofing systems can impact how well you get television waves. A refraction of the signals will be deflected by the metal exterior, which may result in diminished or no connectivity at all on some televisions with restricted antennas. But, there are specific indoor antennas that won't have any problems receiving these channels and thus enable you to see television screen notwithstanding having a steel roof!

Could you install a metal roofing system on in the wintry months?

Apart from clearing snow, staging setup, and being unbothered by frost or cold temperatures – a metallic roof is crafted to shed water. They don’t need to harden either!

Is there a tax rebate for installing a steel roof?

One of the foremost ways to conserve money on your energy bills is by committing funds into a modern roof. If you allocate funds for in an ENERGY STAR certified steel roofing system with dyed coverings, you can also receive up to $500 off!

The original tax rebates for putting in this type of roofing has been prolonged from December 31st, 2017 until December 31st, 2021 as well which means it's the time if it was something that had passed your mind previously - moreover there are so many more benefits apart from retaining funds and reducing pollutant releases such as durability and lifetime value.


Great pricing, awesome workers, amazing job! we absolutely love our new roof! If you are looking for a reliable, time efficient roofing company look no further you have found the best. Thank you for a job well done. Jeff Is the best!

Judit Calderon


Great company! They are very professional
Our job was small so it was difficult to get a well respected company to do our repair. But Rory came out within a couple of day, inspected the problem and gave a quote. He had prep done within a few days and the repair done within a short time. A massive rain storm confirmed the repair was done efficiently and correctly. We are so very pleased.

Kevin Gibson


Roof was messed up after Ian, these guys were quick and professional and came in clutch!
a great team excellent job!

G. Cobb


Think I might have had the worst roof on my block. I would get many roofing sales reps stop by house often but I just couldn’t commit to any of them, then here comes Brian with APC. He took the time to explain the process and cover everything with me. When we failed to get my insurance to cover, Brian was empathetic and understanding and gave me the time to make the decision best for me and my family, which ultimately led me to choose APC Roofing. Once we we were scheduled, Brian made sure to give me a heads up of all the details to follow. The team did a awesome job and were very professional. From setup to clean up I was very impressed with everything. I’ve already been complimented by my neighbors with how great the roof looks! Thank you!
Can’t say enough wonderful things about APC Roofing in Winter Garden. Shayne Singh their roofing consultant was a pleasure to deal with. They completed the work in one day with a crew of twelve and left the property in pristine condition. Giving them a 10+ rating.
APC was the company I chose to work with after obtaining 10+ quotes. They were the most reasonable price and the most professional. I worked directly with Kevin Jiminez, he answered my many questions over months of research/planning. Kevin was patient and supportive as I took my time making decisions (including which company I would choose). When I finally signed the contract, Kevin came out and finalized all the details. He remembered our months of conversations and already knew what I wanted. From there everything was taken care of for me. The office staff was pleasant and informative when I called with questions. During the install, a team was positioned on the ground to ensure that every item was cleaned up as fast as it was removed. Each night I received and update email that included photos of the condition of my roof along with any additional materials the crew needed to use. Best of all, we even got new gutters as part of the deal. 10/10 recommend working with APC for your roofing needs.

Ashley Miller


Luther Gaines provided amazing customer service from start to finish. We now know who to call when we need our roof repaired/replaced and will be sure to refer APC Roofing to others!

Donna M


We recently used APC Roofing to replace our roof. We first noticed the company when walking the neighborhood. We were impressed by the crew size and their hard work. Shayne was friendly, knowledgeable, and extremely helpful. The men on our roof were very hard working and did a fantastic job. We currently have two other neighbors who will also be using them. I highly recommend them.

sol gonzalez


(Translated by Google) Very good service indeed, they do an excellent job! (Original) Muy buen servicio de verdad que hacen un excelente trabajo!

Daniel Garcia


Where do I start? This company is amazing. I had a roof leak and they were here within the next hour. I called around to so many companies and they all were not as helpful as these guys. Their quality work is really hard to come across these days, not to mention their fast pace. I would recommend this company for all your roofing needs.
APC roofing constructed a new roof on my home 3 months ago along with new gutters. I cannot say how great a job they did. Everything was to perfection. Andy and Ivan were wonderful sales reps
Shane with APC roofing has been awesome! Throughout the entire process he was on top of things and was available to speak to me promptly anytime I had any questions. He gave me a a very fair price and followed up with every detail. He even came by the house twice during the work to make sure I was happy with everything. I highly recommend APC roofing!

Joey Crosby


We were in need of a new roof, and I found our experiance with APC Roofing was spot on Exceptional. I heard about APC on Social Media and was very impressed with some of the Live Videos I could access. Our salesman Josh Carrasco was the absolute BEST! He was able to help us through the Financing process and Responded to every single Call or Text when we had questions. The Roofing team had our house completely finished in Only 2 days. We were very happy to have chosen APC Roofing. We will be Refering their services to Neighbors and will be using them for any future roofing needs.

Winona Swagger


Nothing bad to say. It was all good! Highly recommend! Thanks Jeff & the rest of the crew!

Bill Decker


From the very start, Brian Derminer of APC Roofing was very cordial and friendly, no hard pressure sales tactic and answered all our questions. When I visited their web site I was very pleased with all of the favorable reviews I read. The word crew did an outstanding job of installing our beautiful new roof and we are very pleased with the outcome. They took some extra time to fix a water leak problem we had over the attached porch and knew what they were doing. We highly recommend APC Roofing!!

Vickie Arthur


Gabriel from APC Roofing was so professional and so thorough in explaining everything we needed to know and do to get our roof completed and installed. He worked with us from start to finish and I would highly recommend this professional and pleasant to work with company to anyone. I would definitely give them 10 stars if I could. I’m a very satisfied customer with APC ROOFING. They truly rock. Great professional company to work with especially Gabriel. Vickie Hunt- Deltona FL

miss manouche


I dealt with Antony Nieves very professional and awesome person. Please do not hesitate to ask for him you won't be sorry. If I could I would give him 10 Stars

Jay Rupsingh


APC Roofing just completed my roof and they did a tremendous job. Alberto and his entire team was very courteous and professional. Troy from APC roofing was phenomenal. He worked with us from the very beginning and was in constant contact with us. He communication and follow up with us was more than we expected. He ensured we were completely satisfied with the work along every phase. I can't begin to tell how happy and pleased we are with the finished product. I would highly recommend APC Roofing to anyone who is looking to replace or do any type of work on their roof. A+++ service.



(Translated by Google) The best (Original) Los mejores

John Hilbert


APC did an awesome job on our roof. Jamie was our fantastic, friendly and wonderful sales person, and she walked us through the process and was a great wealth of info. I highly recommend Jamie and APC for your roofing needs!"

Cuong Bui


Take a leap of faith and went with APC roofing . Organize and fast responses. Chris was in charge of my roof and gutters replacement. The crew did an excellent job by taken their time and paying extra attention to details. That’s rare now a days. I have a patio connected to the roof, they added extra flashing without being asked. All shingles are straight not crooked, wows. I have seen a lot of my neighbors get their roof replace and none of them compared to this company. They covered my landscape and drive way with tarps to avoid damages. Also, the clean up after the job was phenomenal. They went around my house like at least four or five times to make sure no nails or debris left behind.



Getting roof put on today In Clermont Florida Arrived very early Hardworking crew . Placed tarps all around yard, very neat and clean Highly recommend them ask for Tony in sales ! Update Just noticed after a heavy rain APC had reinstalled gutter at front doorway wrong and had a steady waterfall during storm waiting 3 weeks now for them to repair/ Update 06/14/23 Company finally sent out the Gutter repair guys removed the section that they had installed incorrectly and replace with new gutter parts (About 15 feet by front door ) The gutter installer told me " They are not gutter guys they are roofers ,They had two screws in the gutter should have had at least six
Anthony Fontan and APC Roofing did an excellent job from start to finish. Project was seamless and I could not r happier. Thank you Anthony and APC. Will recommend Anthony to anyone needing a roof.

Tom Albers


With the vast numbers of roofing companies around, it is hard to decide who to hire to install your new roof. We had a fantastic recommendation from Bill Hall for APC Roofing and we were not disappointed. Chris and Alberto and the entire crew were very hard workers, showed up on time, and took great pains to pay attention to detail on every aspect of the job. They completed a full replacement, for two different levels, in less than two days. It seems increasingly difficult to find a company for any type of project that will do what they say, when they say they will do it. When glitches or curve balls were thrown at them, they kept going and didn't miss a beat. They exceeded our expectations, which were very high since we had great recommendations from others as well. You can't go wrong selecting this company to re-roof your home. - Tom & Connie
Chris and his team did a great job on our roof. They are very knowledgeable and professional. They offer a quality warranty and standby their work. They replaced several roofs in my neighborhood in Summerfield.

Katie Tretola


Amazing work!

Lesty Link


Best roofing company we've ever dealt with. Meticulous isn't descriptive enough to describe how efficiently the hard-working tired crew made sure every nail was raked from the yard and no trash whatsoever was left behind. I watched them pack supplies into the company vehicle and that alone told me all I needed to know about the owner's work ethic and employee training. And they finished the job in 12 hours! Remarkable!
I highly recommend APC roofing! I am very pleased with my roof. They were very professional and efficient. I recommended friends and they are very happy with tbeir roofs. Best roofing company i ever dealt with. Class act.

Linda Magsamen


Can’t say enough good about this company. The roof was very well done. Quality great. Employees professional , friendly. Got the roof done in one day. Can’t say enough good about John Scotti. Really worked hard for us to get the good rate we got. Always available for questions. Answered promptly, friendly, honest. Went out of his way for us. Love our new roof. Very satisfied. Thank you APC! Sorry to have to change my review. We have been trying to get someone to fix our roof for months. Send one man out to look at it a few months ago. He was going to come back and seal it. Don’t know if he did or not. Roof still leaking. Now the roof above kitchen is leaking. No longer think they did a great job. The roof looked beautiful but the leaking is coming through the ceiling We are fortunately still under warranty. But not heard anything from them. NEW REVIEW. BACK TO EXCELLENT WORK. ANTONIO CAME OUT TODAY. DID A THOROUGH JOB OF CHECKING EVERYTHING. HE FOUND THE PROBLEM AND IT WAS A WATER PIPE IN OUR ATTIC THAT WAS LEAKING. NO ONE COULD FIND IT BUT THIS YOUNG MAN CHECKED AND FOUND IT!!! We are so thankful. My husband can take care of it. I am sorry I ever wrote such a review as their work is excellent. The guys that did the roof were great. John Scotti who sold us the roof goes beyond what he is required to do. I guess I’m bragging on them now. Our roof is perfect and beautiful. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY.



Larry Grizzard


Have just had a new roof installed be APC Roofing of Winter Park, FL and are very pleased. Fantastic company to deal with. Excellent workmanship and very professional. We highly recommend APC to anyone needing to replace their roof. Office personnel were very helpful - thanks Amanda. Also thanks to Brian, Perry, and Chris for their help and determination in dealing with our insurance company.
I am really happy I chose APC for our new roof install. They were on time, delivered as promised. Great job!

Erika Equizi


Scott was extremely professional and so energetic! Highly recommend!

Michele Meyers


They are awesome .fast and courteous Chris it was great To work with you Thank you 😊
Mauricio and the staff were great. Thank you

Melvin Reed


I want to say thank you very much to APC roofing for thier quality and professional service. Craig davis was very helpful throughout the process. I would recommend craig/APC roofing to anyone i know.
Mike P. was great in sharing details and improvement ideas. Very patient with my family. Thanks again

Chuck Chapman


Tony was great to work with and easy to schedule and meet with, due to my schedule! The crew who came out did a great job with the work and clean up. Thanks again Tony! Chuck C.

Jeremy B


I'm in the solar industry and replacing roofs is part of our job too. I have to make sure the company that's doing the roof is reputable & does good work. My contact for APC is a great guy named Kevin Jiminez, he helps assist with the sales, schedule & installation and they get the job done Right!

Josie Salazar


Wonderful job and service, Chris is the best!!!!

Kevin Hirst


It's rare that getting a roof put in can be described as a good experience but with apc it was just that! On time, professional and great quality work!

Zach Navar


William, Matt and Jeff were amazing from APC. They really helped me fix a issue from another roofing company who just has been ignoring the issue. Excellent work and professional service. Highly recommend

JJ Dogg


Anthony Fontan, a/k/a Tony, was very instrumental in my decision to go with APC on my roofing replacement. His assistance with my insurance claim was so important to my family’s decision. I would gladly recommend your company based on his professionalism
We used APC Roofing and Tony came out and helped us with our roof. We highly recommend using them and would refer them to any of our family friends.

Kevin Woodford


This is an awesome business. I will definitely recommend them to my family and friends.They are very professional on time and friendly John Scotti made the entire project as smooth as it could be. Great job guys. Keep it up #1

Drover Ramirez


I had to pay for my roof out of pocket and consult many companies for that, but APC was patient enough for all my questions. Your work team exceeded my expectations. I really was very satisfied with their work, the customer service area is exceptional, Williams was throughout the process informing every detail of the installation, they provide top quality materials and comply with the indicated dates. Everything was perfect. If you want the roof to be made the way you want it, I recommend that you hire the services of APC.

Tammy Affatato


Let me begin by saying just how impressed we were with each stage of the process. From day one when the crew arrived, we could tell they were on point. They cared about our concerns and were professional each step of the way. Every morning the team showed up on time and remained focused on getting the job done right. My husband monitored work on a daily basis and at times actually climbed up on the roof to see first hand what they were doing. Each time he addressed the team they were happy to assist with any questions or concerns he had along the way. With a direct line of communication to Craig, nothing went unnoticed. Because of the crew's integrity and attention to detail, there were times we felt they were actually putting a roof on their own house. Craig went over what we should expect and the crew delivered in so many ways. His professional approach made us feel at ease and assured us that we had indeed chosen the right company for the job. We highly recommend APC Roofing to anyone from the contractor to the first time home owner. Thank you, Craig, to you and your staff for the work you did and for making sure we will be dry for many hurricane seasons to come. Tammy and Bill Hawes

Dawn Frazel


As a real estate professional, I often get asked for recommendations for service providers. I recommended John Scotti and APC roofing for a client that needed a new roof and wasn't happy with the previous quotes he received. He called John Scotti and was very happy with his quick, and timely response. John gave him a better price and APC did a fantastic job. If you are looking for help with any of your property roofing projects. Call John Scotti at APC Roofing, he is very professional, genuinely cares for his clients and is very conscious. I highly reccomend them both!
(Translated by Google) Excellent service in everything (Original) Excelente servicio en todo

Matthew Areno


I'm absolutely impressed with the way my roof came out. Professional, efficient and affordable. John Scotti I want to thank u for ur honesty and professionalism in the service u provide. I will be recommending u and ur business to friends and family
I searched roof quotes online and received a call back from Josh Townsend from APC Roofing. He was very professional and beat all local offers that my husband received. We even got in-house financing within the hour after the bank was giving us a hard time. The roofing team drove two hours and worked together to complete our roof all in one day. This included tear off, dry-in with peel and stick, new shingles and clean up. We are very satisfied with this company and highly recommend.

Linda Labi


Good around service

Edith Carrion


Ryan came to inspect the property i just purchased and let me know that my roof was still in good condition. Its nice to hsve a company be honest and not try to just sell you something you dont need. Thanks APC

Jackson Kruse


I don’t normally write reviews but I wanted to thank our sales rep Ian & the rest of the APC team. They really stepped up when no other contractor wanted to take on the challenge of removing my old torched down flat roof and replacing it with modified bitumen. I’m grateful I found an I’m grateful there’s still a there’s still at least one good roofing contractor left who doesn’t price gouge you. APC save me well over $10,000!! If you need a roof contractor call APC and ask for Ian he’s a great sales representative, but an an even better person. - Bernie S.

Jen Simmons


Kevin was a personable and delightful sales person. Highly recommend!

Luis Diaz


The replaced my roof took care of what damaged did exist and I've had plenty of rain in the last 10 months and it's been leak free. Great Job and mattieral still looks like the day it was installed.

Debra Curtis


John Scotti has done several friends of ours roofs. They couldn’t be happier, with his professionalism and him being on the job site while it was being done. He is a man of his word and look to having him when we are ready to do ours.

Daniel Lambert


Our subdivision experienced a severe hail storm that damaged many of the roofs throughout the subdivision. Half of the homes on my block needed new roofing. I received a recommendation for APC Roofing from family members who had recently had APC replace their roof. I called APC Roofing and they had a representative come by the following day. He inspected the roof and verified that the roof needed to be replaced. He advised me to notify my insurance company to initiate a claim and to let him know when the adjuster would be coming over. From that point on, my rep (Chris) was in control. He applied for the building permit and told me he would have the work crew here as soon as the permit was approved. All I had to do was select which roof tiles I wanted. The work crew arrived at about 7:00 am and worked until dark. There were 6 workers on the crew. The work would have been completed in just two days but was delayed as the result of the building inspector not showing up on time. So, the work was completed in three days. Not bad. I noticed some of the other homes being roofed using as few as two workers. Consequently, those roofs took 4, 5, or more days to be finished. In short, I am completely satisfied with all aspects of the work, the time it took, the appearance, and the quality. I would not hesitate in recommending APC to anyone. As a matter of fact I did recommend them to some neighbors and learned today that the work will begin on their house next week.

Greg Stiber


My experience with Jeff at APC Roofing was outstanding. Jeff provided a detailed estimate and always kept me up to date about the status of the project. He was professional, knowledgable, and did a great job. Jeff is someone you can trust to get the project done right. I highly recommend Jeff and APC Roofing.

Tim Davis


My experience with APC Roofing was amazing. Andres Castenedo and Ivan Dalecon went above and beyond. I had some challenges with the insurance adjuster and they stepped in and resolved everything. When the job was completed I was very satisfied. The entire crew was great, the roofers did a thorough job cleaning up and the gutters were installed perfectly. I highly recommend this company for any of your roofing needs.

wayne jordan


My rep was Ryan Hutton and from start to finish I was totally impressed. Crew arrived on time and the entire job including all inspections was done in 4 days. Would highly recommend Ryan. He was informative and responsive to all my questions. A great asset to APC roofing. Thanks Ryan. I will continue to recommend you

Doris Adcock


We loved working with Tony at APC Roofing. He was very responsive and helped us through the process. Our project was very time sensitive due to our home being on the market. Work with Tony at APC for your roofing project.

Info All Tails


This was a GREAT company to deal with from start to finish. Obviously I got estimates from multiple companies in the beginning of this process to do my due diligence. I submitted all the estimates to our friend in Ohio who is a roofer. He said he’s never seen an estimate so professionally done and recommended this company! I had already gotten the referral from a trusted friend and the local fb page but again wanted to double check everything! John Scotti was my point of contact through the entire process and is such an awesome guy! He’s got years of experience and knows what needs to be done for a great job. The crew was on time and completed an entire tear off and roof in one day. My contractor from Ohio was here working on a building for us and watched all day and said he’d never seen a job done that well and efficiently! They came back the next day and removed their trailer and double checked the clean up and off they went. The whole process was a well oiled machine! As a business owner finding another company that’s well oiled these days is few and far between!!! This is your company !! Just call them!!!

Sandi Phillips


APC recently completed a roof replacement on my mothers condo as well as five other units in her complex. John Scotti Was great to work with and was very attentive professional and never hesitated to answer any questions from the condo owners. I obtained several estimates and after doing a very thorough comparison we agreed on a APC roofing and are very happy with the results.



Very professional, walk you through the whole process from start to finish. Go over all options and let you decide what's best for you ,no pressure tactics. All around great company.

Kenneth Thomas


Mike P was very professional with his follow up and communications. Quality in workmanship.
Very happy with the work that APC performed. They were excellent with cleanup and even came back after job was completed to make sure all scraps were removed. Would definitely recommend.

Tom Lewis


This company does fantastic work from start to finish. I couldn’t be more pleased and will refer anyone I know to APC Roofing!
(Translated by Google) Delicious!! (Original) Delicioso!!

Lilianis Nava


👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻Excellent 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Doug Kline


I needed a new roof to comply with my homeowners insurer's underwriting guidelines re attained roof age. After my call to APC, Kevin Jimenez came over the next day to provide a roof inspection and replacement cost estimate. The quote was very competitive. The installation was completed on a timely basis, and Kevin almost immediately answered any questions I had throughout the process. The new roof looks great, and the installation crew was very quick and professional (a fact noted to me by a number of neighbors). Couldn't ask for better service!
Eduardo Hercules was very pleasant an knowledgeable about APC Roofing he showed quality work answered all my questions with accurate and quick response. I would highly recommend this roofing company.

Ed Mandel


The inspector said they did a fantastic job, the roof looks great, crew was very friendly. I would highly recommend.
(Translated by Google) Best Roofing Related Company in Clermont (Original) La mejor compañía relacionada con techos en Clermont

Ella Babb


I am writing these comments as a Realtor of 36 years, having witnessed many roof replacements and new roof constructions in that time. APC Roofing has just installed a beautiful new roof on my home. My experience, from the first visit by the APC salesman through to the finished product, was absolutely stress free. Their 8- man crew plus the Supervisor arrived at 7:20 AM and prepared the site, covering everything around the house so no damage would be done. The crew worked tirelessly like a well-trained coordinated team. A lunch truck sent by APC arrived at ll:30 AM for the workers. By 4:30 PM, the new roof was installed, the Supervisor completed his final inspection and all surrounding areas were meticulously cleaned. From the salesmen, to the hard-working roofing crew, to the team in the office, I couldn’t be more satisfied. My sincere thanks to you all.

David Leon


I thank APC Roofing for the excellent job they did on the roof of my house. They have a great team; experienced and patient to satisfy the details we ask of them. Good workmanship and a very good price. I recommend it because the price is better than other estimates I made before hiring APC Roofing
They were very helpful in working through and explaining the insurance process beforehand. The crew arrived earlier in the day both days than promised and worked hard. The roof and details are beautiful and everyone, from the gentleman delivering the trash trailer to the roofers to the manager, treated our property with respect and care protecting plants and cleaning up nicely.

Eleanor Wilson


Very satisfied with roof and professionalism of workers and company.

Gabriel Jones


APC was very professional and responsive during my gutter request/purchase. The crew showed up on time and completed the installation in a timely manner. The gutters look great, and I definitely recommend them!

Allen Greene


Great job from start to finish on our roof! They even came back and installed additional attic vents to increase the ventilation. They completed the job from start to finish in one day including excellent job of cleanup. Totally pleased with the work and the response from the company. Mauricio did an excellent job with follow-up and getting the crew here. Five stars from me. Thanks!

Joe Beddia


We used APC Roofing to replace our roof after it was determined that we had wind damage We worked with Chris at APC Roofing representative who was very professional and we had many color choices of roof shingles: to pick from: This company has high ratings and they stand by their work and give you a 25 year warranty: We can’t say enough about this company and how pleased we are with our new roof: Call Chris at APC Roofing and you won’t be disappointed:

Maureen Hudack


We can't say enough about the great quality of the work done on our roof. The crew worked so well together, and when there was a rain delay they made sure our roof was protected. The sun returned and they completed the job. Clean up was thorough. We would highly recommend APC roofing!

Michele Hand


I have nothing but good things to say about Scott and the entire APC team! Scott delivered on everything he promised. They kept the construction area cleaner than I’ve ever seen. No nails anywhere but where they belong. They showed up when they said they would and worked hard. My new roof looks great. If you need a new roof give Scott a call. You will not regret it!
Excelent service

Jorge Ulate


Great Company. Great job. Ivan was awesome and made sure everything was done to perfection.

Lubia L


Scotti and his crew were amazing and professional. The service deliver was considerate and promptly. Thank you for a stress free experience.
I am very happy and satisfied with my new roof.. A big thank you to Chris for guiding me through the process. The crew was very hard working and did a fabulous job. (all in one day). I would highly recommend APC Roofing to all my neighbors...Gerri Fossetta

Jools C


We only have positive things to say about our interactions with this company. Professional, punctual, clean and thorough. And their sales rep Ivan was an absolute gem. He walked us through the process and patiently answered all our questions.

Donna Kramer


Melissa did a free roof inspection on my roof and while she was up there she cleaned my gutters and pool enclosures. she was honest and let me know the current condition of my roof. Which doesn't need replacement at this time. I will be using her and apc roofing when I need anything done.
It was a pleasure dealing with APC Roofing Co. Every time I needed information from the office they were right on with helpful information plus they were very polite. Andrew the salesperson was very professional and we are very satisfied with our new roof.

Jared De Groot


Awesome company. Was very impressed with Rory in particular. Very professional and responsive. If you are looking for any kind of roof repair (that’s affordable) in the Palm Coast area. APC roofing, and Rory is the place to go!

Danielle Stone


Tony Fontan made the experience seamless and was there to answer any questions I had

Ron Knepfler


My wife and I would highly recommend APC Roofing. The salesperson Ramon, office staff and permit agent were helpful, professional and considerate. The roofers were on time and efficient. They tarped all around the house to catch all the roof debris and were tenacious at cleaning the job site. Very happy with APC Roofing and our new roof.

Carol Spano


Great price and extremely responsive customer service. Did our roof and gutters. Would definitely recommend.
Rory and APC responded quickly to our request for a quote to repair damage on our rental property. After interviewing 5 companies, we decided on APC and we are glad we did. Their pricing was more than fair, they worked quickly and cleaned up completely. Rory was very responsive and professional!! Great experience!

Ray Winland


Very responsive
The roofers did a impeccable job. They were very professional and the cleanup was excellent I would definitely recommend you guys to another one of my friends

Angel Arce


APC helped me with hurricane damage to my soffit and fascia and I couldn’t have asked for more transparent/professional company. Ryan answered any questions I had and was very knowledgeable on the actual installation process. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



I'm thoroughly impressed with this company, it's representative Kevin and his very nice puppy. As a former general contractor I built my house, I keep up with my property and know the exact state of my roof, what's wrong with it and what's right with it. It's coming to the end of its life and I want to change it out before I have issues. I was about ready to replace it myself after having 3 roofers try to get me to file an insurance claim without getting on the roof and another couple try to tell me that my roof had tons of storm damage (it doesn't). I met Kevin at a park near my house and he came over immediately to check out the roof, gave me an honest and accurate assessment and a quote without lying through his teeth. When I'm ready to pull the trigger I know who will be putting my roof on.

Cindy Verhei


Very pleased with the new roof that was installed in 2 1/2 days. Jeff kept us informed and available for any questions. Crew set up and cleaned area well.
From the very first meeting with Lance Sonneveldt, we were put quite at ease. He explained all the details & he took care of EVERYTHING for us. Each step was performed exactly how he said it would. The roofers were incredible, they finished our house in one day. They were professional & courteous. We highly recommend APC roofing if you need one...
Our dealings with APC Roofing have been absolutely fantastic. Ivan and Andy were professional, courteous, and followed thru on every detail. We are thrilled with our new roof and know that others on Georgia Avenue are as well. Highest recommendation!!

MP Alvarez


Very happy with my new roof, the process was completely painless. Got my drone out, got some shots and just looks amazing. Communication along the way was great and the job was done on time. The best part is that the wife is happy. Thank you to everyone @ APC.

janice davies


Very professional.arrived on time. My sales rep. John Scotty was onsite through out the job and made sure I was happy with the outcome, which I was. I received many compliments from my neighbors who loved the colors and the looks of my roof. I got a great warranty and I am happy I chose APC roofing to do my roof.John even come back after the roof was done to run his own magnet over my property to make sure all the nails were picked up. I must say he found only a few as the roof crew did a great job cleaning up after they were done.

Gary Klemens


Sales person very responsive, even during the roof job.
This company is so helpful and knowledgeable it was wonderful working with Lance and all the administrative staff. The Quality of the roof is perfect.

Jeff Carlson


Very efficient, at a good & fair price!

Jeff Aebie


Im very happy with apc roofing, john Frasier was spot on about pricing and unseen damage before the old roof was removed, new roof is amazing!! I could not be happier 😊

Steve plANTZ


apc roofing did a great job of replacing my roof any problems were resolved by brian I GIVE THEM A 5 STAR

Vijay hemraj


Great staff, very professional. Highly recommended service. Chris made it possible for me to get a new roof.

Lauren Thubet


APC roofing did an outstanding job on our new roof. From the time they were hired to the completion of the job they were timely, responsive, and professional. We would highly recommend them to others who need a new roof.

Patti Macy


This was a great experience from the very beginning. Shayne was very helpful and followed through on every aspect of the job. I also had a solar panel issue and he was able to help me with that as well. Great service...great company!! Thank you Shayne!!
Great honest service !

El Faro SDA


I worked directly with Phillip. Great customer service! Not only the roof looked great, the fast replacement with top notch quality products throughout the process was also noteworthy. Highly recommended!



APC was very professional, they got the job done. I would heartily recommend them to anyone who needs their services.

Joyce Smith


Chris is the best! Personable, available, knowledgeable and professional, we were impressed and grateful to be dealing with a pro. My hubby was a home restoration expert (fire, smoke, flood, etc) and our son owns a roofing company in another state, so we gave Chris quite an intensive interview. He not only displayed a superior knowledge of roofing but was able to educate us on FL codes and insurance issues as well. Additionally, we found the company to be efficient, the office staff easy to work with and the roof is perfect. We can recommend APC roofing without reservation.

Brian W


Marty McManus


Called APC Roofing in Palm Coast for an inspection after storm damage. Taylor and Aaron were very professional and personable. Taylor assisted me through the insurance claims process, meeting with the adjuster, scheduling and answering any questions I had. Aaron met with the city inspector and took care of that end of things. The office girls were right on top of things. Jonathan, the foreman was great to work with. The crew was very professional and respectful. Roof and gutters were replaced in a timely manner. The crew cleaned up after themselves daily even in the pouring rain one day leaving no debris in the yard or driveway. I am highly recommending APC Roofing in Palm Coast for your roofing needs.

Barry Wallace


Great workmanship by the team. The clean up afterwards was remarkable. Chris Morris was extremely helpful with the complete job. He is a definate asset to APC Roofing. I highly recommend this company. Barry Wallace

Fred Robertson


APC Roofing did an outstanding job last month for our home in "The Villages." Our roof was 22 years old and needed to be replaced. Our contact person was Shane. He himself inspected the roof and had several excellent suggestions. He was personable, always on time, very knowledgeable and always gave us whatever time we needed to answer any questions we had. Our total cost (which was very reasonable) came out to be exactly what the estimate was. The roofers were all hard-working, efficient & punctual. They actually finished in one day. Even the clean-up was top notch. APC Roofing is an A+++ company and I highly recommend them to anyone who has roofing needs. Fred Robertson

alexa garcia


I highly recommend APC roofing! They installed our new roof within a tight timeframe and did a great job! and Shane was very professional and responsive through the entire process.
I recommend this company to anyone that needs their roof replaced. Very professional and efficient . The office staff helped throughout the process. Excellent work.

Clem Gervais


Had a great experience with Apc helped us get insurance to get our roof done very clean up and couteous
(Translated by Google) Excellent work delivered on time (Original) Excelente trabajo entregado a tiempo



Roof was done as scheduled. Workers were fast and efficient. The crew did a very good clean up job. John Scotti did a great job representing the company. He worked with me in order to get the job, which I appreciated.He was always sending me pictures and updated information. He came out to the job site multiple times and relayed any issues I was worried about to the crew supervisor. He made sure all of my concerns were addressed and alleviated. Overall I am very pleased with the experience. I don't think it's ever pleasant having to deal with having your roof redone or even worked on, but we made it through and I feel confident that it couldn't have gone any better.

Ron Gasparino


Kevin Jimenez was as honest and professional as they come. He showed up on time and listened to my concerns. Instead of trying to high gross me, he was very fair. I would definitely recommend Kevin and APC Roofing.

Mark Drisdom


High recommended great quality of work fast turn around would recommend to anyone who is looking to get their roof replaced or repaired good customer service took a lots of pics during the install to show all damage of the roof that was getting replaced/repaired good price as well
Our rep, Eduardo H., has been great to work with. He is very knowledgeable and personable. He has been very helpful with the entire process. I would definitely recommend APC Roofing and Eduardo.

evil pickle


Anthony Fontan (Tony) from APC Roofing came out and gave me an estimate that was matched very well for a big job and great quality.
Work was done very professionally. Completed in 1 day with all debris cleaned up and hauled away. Very pleased with the outcome and the work.

Dar Miller


What a great company to work with! Every single person I had any contact with at all was just awesome...especially Lance. I just can't say enough about Lance. He just an outstanding individual. My husband & I moved into a home that needed a lot of work about 4 years ago & some projects went more smoothly than others. This one goes down as one of the very best of my life. And the way Lance works with insurance companies is just an incredible skill. APC installed our roof right before Christmas. They were smooth as silk with their part & installed a beautiful roof. But my insurance company encountered time off for holidays, weekends, people who quit working there, people who became ill, even the mailman finally delivered the insurance check I needed to pay them 3 doors down, which slowed things down some more. & They were patient & kind through all this. Also, the roof is great!! lol Awesome, just awesome.

Chuck Mowers


The entire staff were courteous, helpful, responsive from the owner, office staff, foreman and roofers. Outstanding company and great service.

Katty garcia


(Translated by Google) Good job! (Original) Buen trabajo!

Is R


So happy I found these guys after Ian did a number on the roof. Kevin was fantastic; quick, knowledgeable, and professional!

Jackie Kelley


Job well done. Very pleased from start to finish with the process. Efficient. Courteous. Kept work area cleaned. All around fine job. Thanks. Will and have recommended your company to others.
We needed a full new roof. We had a few other roofers come by and none of them were professional or even just courteous (I won’t name names). This company, however, has been a delight through every step. They’ve been professional, helping us understand the process, helping us with our insurance, prompt, and they did a great job! They exceeded our expectations and would highly recommend!
I was given two weeks to have my roof replaced (home owners insurance sucks). I called Chris and he was able to perform a miracle for me! The roofers had the job done in time and made sure to clean up the yard afterward. The stressful experience was made much easier with the help of the APC roofing team.

John Hedcase


Working with APC Roofing has been a wonderful experience from start to finish. The quality of their work is outstanding and professional. If you are looking for a roofing contractor, APC Roofing is the best choice in town. We are extremely happy with the job and you will be too. Feel free to call us for a reference. Great communication. Fast work.
This company’s crew has just finished my job. Outstanding job and service. Extremely efficient workers. We couldn’t be happier with APC’s work. The sales team & the inspection team made the whole process very easy.

Dan Sweeney


Anthony Fontan promotes APC Roofing well! He’s the man to contact for all your roofing needs! … but communication about what was actually done is hard to come by, despite repeated inquiries.
Company was easy to work with! They answered every time and had no problem asking questions, great install, great service. 5/5
(Translated by Google) I want to highlight the great work of all the APC Roofing staff, the roof of my home was damaged by Hurricane Ian and they took charge of repairing it. They were very professional in their work and prompt in their response. It is the second property where they have provided me with your real services Thank you, you are the best, 100% recommended (Original) Quiero destacar el gran trabajo de todo el personal de APC Roofing, el techo de mi hogar sufrió daños con el Huracán Ian y ellos se encargaron de repararlo fueron muy profesionales en su trabajo y rápidos en su respuesta, es la segunda propiedad donde me han brindado sus servicios de verdad Gracias ustedes son los mejores, recomendados 100%

Magalys Leon


We recommend this Company 100%. Since we contacted them, we did not have to insist that they assist us, the next day the Consultant Ramón Lopez visited us, made the evaluation, the inspection and showed us all the alternatives we had to change our roof. What impressed us the most was that the owner Alberto Ponce himself attended us by phone and was willing to come to our house in person. They gave us great prices, they changed the woods that were not good, they pleased us in everything we asked for. The employees who did the work are very respectful, friendly, always ready to answer our questions, very professional and at the end of each work day they left everything very clean and organized. They always followed exactly the schedules we set. We are very grateful, happy, pleased and above all very happy with the service APC Roofing provided us. We will certainly recommend it to our friends or anyone who wants to change or repair the roof of their house because it is an APC Roofing is a serious and accommodating company. Thanks for your excellent service.

Matthew gosman


John Scotti is very professional, knowledgeable, and a genuine friendly person. Goes above and beyond to ensure the job is done correctly and what the customer wanted.

Alberto Perez


We contacted the company through the sales man Andrew in Lake County. Andrew is a professional, he contacted us all the time letting us know step by step of the proccess. We are more than happy with him and the company, good job, good materials, and very reliable. Thank you for the good job.

Daniel Lynch


Awesome company.....awesome job.....awesome people Troy was an amazing and helped throughout the dealings with the insurance company. We have the best looking roof in the community thanks to everyone. They spent the extra time to fix and do things the correct way. I would recommend them to my family my friends anyone that ask. Awesome job and thanks everyone again

Kevin Jimenez


Great company.
excellent work team good endings, good organization

Katie K


APC Roofing was top notch start to finish! Everyone was professional, conscientious and courteous. William Thomas was always available to answer my questions and is a huge asset to the company!

John Roberson


What a great company to work with! Every person I had any contact was great, especially Lance. The way Lance works with insurance companies made the whole process seamless. APC did a superb job installing our roof and did an amazing cleanup. I highly recommend this company.

Kenny W


I observed APC installing a roof in my neighborhood and was impressed with their equipment and work ethic. I contacted them to be involved with a new roof installation to be done on my home. Chris Morris, their Sales Manager, set up everything required to expedite the project. Chris is very knowledgeable in every aspect of roof installations and insurance requirements. APC installed my roof on the date promised and the crew doing the work were very professional in every way. I would like to give APC 5 stars in evaluating every part of the work. They are very highly recommended.



An excellent company to work with. Communication was very clear, and if we had questions they quickly got back to us with an answer. Would highly suggest this company to anyone in search of repairs towards their roof.
John Scotti with APC Roofing was absolutely amazing! Professional service and quality work! I highly recommend them to anyone.

Jay Rupsingh


APC Roofing just completed my roof and they did a tremendous job. Alberto and his entire team was very courteous and professional. Troy from APC roofing was phenomenal. He worked with us from the very beginning and was in constant contact with us. He communication and follow up with us was more than we expected. He ensured we were completely satisfied with the work along every phase. I can't begin to tell how happy and pleased we are with the finished product. I would highly recommend APC Roofing to anyone who is looking to replace or do any type of work on their roof. A+++ service.

Chris Dalton


We had our roof done in one day. APC worked in line with our insurance so there were no surprises. I can tell you when we need a new roof in a decade or two APC will be my first call.
APC Roofing and Ryan, in particular, were amazing to work with. I had other roofing companies check my roof and tell me there was no damage to report to insurance. "Waste of my time" is how they each put it. Ryan came to my house and upon inspection broke down each and every reason why I had significant damage worth reporting. He took several images, helped upload them all to the insurance company, and even walked me through the process. I cannot say enough how much I appreciate both his professionalism and customer service. He saved me thousands of dollars by doing his job and encouraging me to take action. And to top it all off, the roof came out amazing and was done in two days. Would recommend APC to everyone I know. Hopefully, if you do call them (which if you're reading this likely means you need a new roof so you absolutely should), you get Ryan. You'll immediately notice how much he cares. It's not just about getting you signed; it's about making sure you're happy.

Myrna Mojica


We had (2) homes roof inspected by APC Roofing and were very happy with the their representative Jackie Rodriguez. She was very professional, knowledgeable and provided excellent customer service. Our roof(s) are in good condition; however should I need or my neighbors need a roofing company, I will be sure to reach out to APC Roofing. Thank you for your honesty and service.

heather hall


Hailstorm of April 25 th. and was concerned about roof damage APC roofing came promptly inspected my roof with picture evidence. My consultant Anthony F (Tony) helped me with the claims process from beginning to end.He helped not only with getting my roof approved , he also provided excellent customer service, was always on time for his many visits to ensure things are measured and represented correctly to my insurance company. I would highly recommend Anthony F and APC Roofing to my friends .Thank You APC roofing for a job well done.

Chris Dotson


Eduardo was friendly and knowledgeable. He acted as liaison with the insurance company initially. Install day the crew removed and installed in one day. They left everything as if they were never here not a nail or a piece of tar paper to be found except for leaving a beautiful new roof.

Bob Hasbrouck


Excellent company - all phases of job completed - would recommend for roofing repair & replacement

Mike Price


Everything went smooth on schedule nice clean job would recommend to anyone Mike Price was a great guy to work with

Terrance Paige


Roof was starting to show age, contacted APC and was put in contact with Chris, whom was awesome & in constant communication. Chris provided complete details for process & payment options, he also provided a reasonable time frame for the work to be done which was completed on time despite weather delays. Great job highly recommend.

Rhonda Ooms


Outstanding quality of work. Matt was wonderful to work with. Very prompt, kept his promises and ensured our needs were met at every level from signing our contract to materials delivery, and then installation. Important, the work crews keep a clean and tidy construction site, no flat tires. The best part we have a beautiful metal roof that will last for years and years. Thank you so much to Matt and the APC Roofing crews, they will meet all of your needs. Call them!
We would recommend APC Roofing to anyone looking for a professional, timely, quality and friendly company to do their roofing needs. Also, we HIGHLY recommend Brian DerMiner as your go to guy! He was fantastic from beginning, during and end. I have to say I was a little skeptical in the beginning as it was right before Christmas, we had already put up our lights and decorations outside and thought for sure it was bad timing on our part to decide to have the roof done at that time. However, they came in as they said they would and finished in the same manner. Decorations and lights unharmed!!! We couldn't be happier... To leave a 5 star review just doesn't seem to be good enough. Job well done by all. Thank you!!
I highly recommend APC roofing! I am very pleased with my new roof and my new skylights look amazing! Their crew was respectful and very professional! Everyone within the company has been a huge help along the way! Anything I needed help with was explained and handled! Being a single mom where to even begin when I started my process in obtaining a new roof but APC roofing did everything above and beyond to make sure everything was completed in a timely manner!



Very professional and good quality work. Shayne Singh was superb!
I’m a retired contractor and was extremely impressed with APC roofing. I could have not done a better job. The installation crew was quick and left the property immaculate. Shayne went out of his way to make sure the project went well. So good that four of my neighbors also had Shayne and APC do their roofs. I highly recommend this company to anyone!!!
100 percent would recommend APC Roofing. The company showed nothing but professionalism from the beginning to the end. John Scotti was available at all times with any questions we had before and during the job. John eased us thru the process and was a absolute pleasure to work with. We would highly recommend John and APC Roofing

Haillan 15


Tim has helped my wife through this process and been very helpful in reducing our stress. Mariana has also been a nonexpendable resource and has had our best interest in mind from the start.

Lisa Hale


Anthony Fontan was the Sales Rep that meet with us after the hail storm in Groveland. He met with us over the 4th of July weekend and explained the damage and coached us thru the process. He met with the Insurance Adjuster and fielded all questions. We encountered some obstacles along the way with the office staff and Truist however Anthony quickly went to Management for resolution. I was contacted by Chris Gates who assured me that he would continue moving forward with our roof replacement while the other issues were being worked thru. Chris and Anthony always answered questions and ensured our experience with APC Roofing would be pleasurable. I was skeptical and cautious because of the horror stories you read about roofing contractors taking advantage of their customers. Chris Gates and Anthony Fontan are top notch and very professional. I would highly recommend this company because they have excellent customer service skills, always respond to your calls promptly and listen to resolve any issues or concerns you may have. The Owner of this company needs to appreciate and understand the committed employees he has and how rare it is to find that type of Customer Service and Satisfaction in today's world.
This is the company to hire!!!! They did amazing work, they were on time and very thorough. I was very very impressed on how they did the job. From the new roof being installed, down to the clean up. They really did great work!! 4 roofs redone in 3 days!!

Wilfredo Vega


APC roofing did a great job on my roof! 100% recommended! Andy and Ivan were great sales reps, I recommend them 100%

Michael May


APC roofing installed a metal roof on my house. I'm highly pleased with communication, workmanship and crew. A real easy experience. The roof looks perfect and should last a lifetime.. Alan kept me posted through all the phases of process and made many options available. Want a quality roof and caring service ask for Alan.

Isaac Craft


All timetables were met and a few small issues were handled in a very reasonable timeframe.



I’m very impressed of the job performed, roof and gutters were installed right before hurricane Ian. Not one leak or shingle missing afterwards, I will definitely recommend and rehire for any future projects. Very reliable and job completed on time. Thank you Ryan Hutton!

Sue Wells


Josh was my contact person from start to finish- great service- he was professional- did what he said he would do in a timely manner- I have nothing but good to say about him- highly recommend this Co because of him

Lynn Albanese


Joe O was very service oriented, crew did a wonderful job!
This place was smooth and efficient. Sales rep Kevin showed up on time, was concise and efficient making me feel like a roofing expert in 15 minutes. Installation was done ahead of schedule and came out beautifully with no unexpected charges on the final bill(everything had been thoroughly explained so the items I was charged for above the original price were not a surprise). Would recommend.
I just want to go on record as having said I used APC Roofing today to do a repair on my roof from the storm. I must say they were professional, did exactly what they said they would do, on time, the crew communicated with me perfectly, when they left it was as if they were never here, and they did a fantastic job. I am a manager for Kalos a service provider in Clermont and I would have no problem recommending them to any of our customer and in the near future I will be replacing my roof and APC Roofing will absolutely get the job. I highly recommend these guys.

Kelley Hoch


We had a really bad storm come across our country club and damage the gutters. Christian came out from APC Roofing and gave us a free inspection on the roof to make sure everything was ok. He was honest and APC replaced our gutters at a very reasonable price. We will continue to use APC and Christian for any future issues.

Chris Morris


always on point with every job and customer service. the tile work is exceptional and always top notch with attention to detail

Jane Templeton


We hired APC Roofing, LLC after friends highly recommended them. Our first contact was with Shane who was very professional, kept us informed with each step and was easily accessible and helpful. The crews worked extremely hard to complete the project in one day. They were diligent in caring for us by covering our shrubs and driveway and were very careful working around the lanai screening. They worked extremely hard and were meticulous with their cleanup. We would highly recommend APC Roofing, LLC to anyone who is considering roof replacement. Dave and Jane Templeton

jeanne lewis


Shayne Singh was very thorough and knowledgable...his attention to detail was impeccable and he made me feel comfortable not like other companies...

Marilyn Hannan


We called APC to see if our recently purchased home need a new roof. Craig Davis was the consultant that came today and we appreciate how knowledgeable and honest he was. He explained that our roof is still good and did not try to pressure us in to a new one. I have his card and when we do need a roof, he's the one I'll call. I would highly recommend a company that hires a salesperson that is not going to take advantage of their customers. Especially senior citizens, who are often the most vulnerable. Thank you APC for hiring such a competent employee.
Andrew helped me throughout the process and answered all of my questions. I’m more than satisfied with my new roof. I would definitely recommend APC Roofing to my family and friends!

Diane Lindsey


We had an excellent experience with APC Roofing. It started with our sales rep, Tony Fontan. He was very patient with us by answering all of our questions. He promptly returned calls. The crew was very efficient and did an excellent job at cleaning up. They completed the room quickly so there wasn’t any concerns with weather.



William is the reason I have done business with APC. I used him on a rental property job when he was with another roofer. He went above and beyond during that job. When it came time for my personal residence, I received many quotes from other roofers. Because of William’s customer service and communication it was an easy decision to hire APC. Leslie in the office was also very helpful and APC is lucky to have them both TCB! (taking care of business )

Brandee Fox


Ryan Hutton made Every step of this roof installation, from contacting the company to the final payment flawless. The team that worked on our roof was professional and courteous. Ryan was there checking on things every step of the way, even with the clean up he was amazing. Definitely recommend APC roofing and Ryan



Very good company. Great communication and great work.Brian is great to work with
Rory and the crew were exceptional! Very polite and really an all around pleasure to work with! I will definitely be recommending them to anyone who asks me about roofing needs! Couldn’t be happier!

Jeannine Young


Lance Souneveldt is the representative that came out to inspect my roof. He was very professional, on time and did a wonderful job for me. We sat at my kitchen table and contacted the insurance company. He explained what to expect and time frames. I have a new roof for which I am very grateful. I have referred Lance and APC roofing to several of my neighbors. And I’m happy to do that because they do a great job. The workers are very polite and God bless them for being on that roof in the heat and sometimes the rain. They were all very responsive and very courteous and I can’t say enough good things about them!

Julie Sautner


Tony at APC Roofing is wonderful. my neighbor and I both signed up with him to have APC put a new roof on both of our homes. He thoroughly went through all of the options with us, with no pressure to make a decision. Gave helpful advice as to what he would do if it were his own home. He communicated regularly about delivery of shingles and the schedule of work. The crew that did the work were amazing. They did such a thorough job on each step of the process and worked quickly while also keeping strict attention to detail. I have a very high pitched roof on my two story home and these guys were up there tethered by ropes in quite a bit of wind, but they got it done in 2 days, even staying late on a Saturday night over Memorial Day weekend to complete the job so they would be on schedule to start my neighbors house the following Monday. Best of all, these guys looked like they were having an absolute blast while working. You can tell they like each other and love what they do. It makes all the difference. I’ve had several neighbors remark the same to me in addition to saying how well done their workmanship looked when complete. I hands down made the right choice to go with Tony and the crew at APC for a new roof. I have already referred them to two additional neighbors and will continue to do so if given the opportunity. They more than earned my business and my referral.

Kevin Foster


Highly recommend APC Roofing and John Scotti. Was very happy with the final outcome. Will definitely use them again if and when needed.

Tyler Creasman


This company delivers quality and and friendly service services until completion. Rory at Apc and the crew did a great job installing and keeping property clean through the process. All at a very fair price. The office personal along with Rory were very responsive with my calls and questions. And they kept me updated.

Coale Johnson


Very good and understanding

Yari R


Vincent Spencer is a superstar! Knowledgeable, very patient (explained the process to my elderly mother more than once), thorough, HONEST, charismatic, and provided awesome customer service - he was even available to us after the roofing job was completed to answer any additional questions we had. The crew did an excellent job and we love our new roof AND gutters.
Very professional, on time, courteous. Kevin was very informative and on top of everything. Nobody likes having a new roof put on, but Kevin made it a pleasant experience. Thanks to the whole hard working crew!
Not sure how to write a very positive review without sounding phony. Where some contractors don't even call you back these days, and it seems you are rolling the dice trying to get professional craftsmanship for your cherished home, and issues seem never to get resolved in your complete favor; I offer you APC Roofing! We purchased gutters for our home in Levy County, FL from APC and are sincerely pleased to report a very good experience. While not without issues I can state that everyone I dealt with at APC was responsive, professional, friendly and even funny. A great salesperson, a sharp office crew and a skilled install team who referred to ME as "The Boss" !! I felt part of the process not just, "this is what you get...". I really do recommend APC. I did not get a new roof but I'm sure APC approaches all their clients and jobs with the same deliberate, polite, get-r-done attitude. If I haven't thanked them enough I'm saying it again here: THANK YOU APC. Anyway, if you work with MADELINE, SCOTT, MAURICIO, LUCY, ARTHUR, or LEO, you are in good hands. tell them Dave says hello. Good Luck All!



I’m very happy with our new roof .every one was very nice from our salesman shayne to the amazing crew who did the work will definitely recommend this roofing company .oh I forgot to mention my favorite wooofer Pluto the retriever such a beautiful dog 👍

Frank Altman


Worked with Tony Fontaine. He did a wonderful job coornating with me and the insurance company

Carol Trytek


This company is outstanding I would give them 10 stars if I could. From the moment we met Ryan we were sold. He was extremely knowledgeable, helpful and made us feel truly confident in this company. He answered all of our questions every time we reached out to him. The crew were polite, neat and professional. Our roof and new gutters look amazing. You need to look no further this is the best roofing company out there. Thank you APC for a amazing experience!

Kathy Keith


Tony is extremely knowledgeable and helpful and the roofing team worked endlessly - even through rain. Tony communicated with us through every step of the process and project and has been a pleasure to work with. I recommend APC Roofing and will definitely use their services again.

Ivan D'alencon


Awesome show, thank you APC Roofing!!!

Dan Kelly


Very accommodating in our roof replacement, they had other jobs going on in our neighborhood and met our tight schedule, they also did a better job of confining their work to our town home as opposed to other companies that blocked neighbors’ driveways and spread tarps into their yards. Thank you Tony, your crew was great
Mauricio and APC Roofing replaced our roof after Hurricane Ian. The crew was on time and efficient with the replacement. We highly recommend them to anyone who needs a roofing contractor!

bill lewin


Anthony was a great advisor and kept us informed during the process. I recommend APC and Anthony. Great job



Great service and John was da best !

Ivan Villafane


I highly recommend this company to anyone that needs their roof replaced. Very professional and efficient . The office staff helped throughout the process. Thanks Shayne and APC Team.
We would like to share our wonderful experience working with APC Roofing. From the start APC was professional. We contacted them to inspect our roof and they assisted us with filing our insurance claim. APC arrived on the date & time agreed upon, and began working. Care was taken to protect my property before work began. Our new roof was installed in one day and cleanup was completed with no debris left behind. Chris was great to work with through challenges with our mortgage company. We highly recommend APC for their service and workmanship. Thanks APC! The Jacksons/The Villages

John Royer


Eduardo is been a great point of contact for our new roof. He has efficiently helped us through the process, even with our insurance company! Very professional!
The APC team was very professional, prompt, great with communications and completed our new roof earlier than the estimated completion. They had the materials and the staff available to do a great job. We highly recommend this company.

Sharon Ferro


I am writing this review for my mom Shirley. She thinks highly of Eddie and he is very knowledgeable, kind and is always there when she needs him. She can't wait to see the results of her roof.

Jeanne Goss


Kudos to APC Roofing. Your company deserves more than 5 stars. Everyone with whom I interacted was professional, personable and very knowledgeable. A special thank you to Shayne Singh. Sitting down with Shayne was like sitting down with a friend. He was very easy to talk to and explained things very thoroughly. If I needed to call him for anything and he was not available, he was very quick to respond. Thank you for a very pleasant business experience – and for installing my new roof. I will definitely recommend your company to others.

Ahmed Ali


Phil Hoke


James Wachob


Tony Fontan was on time , help me understand the scope of work needed . I like the product selection and the few weeks for install . I was assigned an inside project coordinator and that was perfect . Install went well , good quality , happy camper.
My salesman, Ryan Hutton was kind, informative, and accommodating as was the rest of the team. We are pleased with the final product and follow up. Will recommend to others. Thanks Ryan and APC for a great job

Maria Oramas


Thank you GUS for your guidance, you were knowledgeable, patient and answer all my concerns regarding my roof! Thanks APC roofing!!

Hope Melendez


Great experience in a very timely manner. My new roof looks great!
I had a couple ask me this evening about my experience with APC Roofing, so that reminded me to write a review. I worked with Lance and Ken. They were both very professional, patient and informative. We ended up with a beautiful brand new roof. Full replacement. The job itself took about 2 days. Their roof repair team worked incredibly hard. They laid out tarps to minimize trash in the yard. As they left, the owner Alberto walked with me to ensure I was happy. I have not found one single piece of trash or nail. Great job. Roof looks amazing and I’m beyond happy. Thank you so much! Michelle & Frank

Nonika Lill


Shane provided excellent customer service! He answered all my questions was great throughout the process.
(Translated by Google) A spectacle of employees, I loved their work in my house, they were very responsible with everything! (Original) Un espectáculo de empleados me encanto su trabajo en mi casa fueron muy responsables con todo!

Sean Fuhrer


It's not common that a roof replacement would be described as "pleasant", but our experience with APC Roofing was that and more. It started when we first met our roofing consultant, Kevin Jimenez. Kevin was on time, professional, friendly, and he answered every question and concern we had. We received a very reasonable quote on a metal roof - including building up the pitch on a flat portion on the back of the house. Kevin was extremely responsive throughout the process, and everyone we interacted with was friendly and professional. The final result looks amazing and we couldn't be more pleased. APC delivered everything they said they would, and when they would, and at the price they promised! That doesn't happen very often these days, so it's a welcome surprise when it does.
Quality work , polite and knowledgable salesman Shayne. Workers were on time and cleaned up any mess left from the roofing job. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a good trust worthy local company.

Wesley Hall


Very qualified and professional company, the quality of work that was done is superior. I was in contact with Kevin Jimenez (company rep) and he is awesome, very honest and reliable. Would 100% recommend anyone call to APC first.

Tony Goff


Awesome business dedicated to customer service. The office staff are some of the nicest people I have come across.

Deb Klug


Great company, great job, much better price then some others.

Alan Fraysier


I highly recommend APC Roofing. They did a excellent job highly professional very clean when the job was finished I also got several bids they actually came out to my house and did a physical inspection Not like the other bids only came in by email
Worked with Matt. Very professional and helpful. Consistently assisting with all the details, colors, and time frame of the roof. Very communicative. Strongly recommend for your new roof. Great deal on pricing.

Darren Transue


Overall, our experience with APC roofing was excellent. When I met Alberto at his storefront, he was upfront and honest about the work they do. Chris came out to evaluate our job and give us a quote. He was punctual, cordial, and easy to work with. He set up the project and communication was good throughout. For example, the project they were working on at another house the morning of our scheduled repair had an unexpected issue and took longer than expected necessitating our job being pushed back to the next day. However, Chris kept us in the loop, calling us as soon as he realized the need to postpone our job, and was honest about what happened. I appreciated his honesty and had no problem with why it happened. The next day, the crew was at our house and completed the job efficiently and on point, as expected. Would highly recommend APC Roofing!

Tony adao


APC was professional throughout the project. They scheduled me pretty quickly after working with my insurance company. They did a fantastic job. I highly recommend them.

Valrie Deirish


This company did a fantastic job with my roof. Specifically the manager that worked with me on the roof named Jeff Girard said “ your roof need some love and I’m going to help you”. He took the time to write an estimate that was tailored to my needs. To be clear nothing wrong with others but the price for my budget was right here. I really did not know what to do so I really think God send an Angel to help me. I’m satisfied. I would recommend this roofing contractor with total honesty and this was a choice made because I made an assessment and found them to be fair, empathetic, professional, efficient at their craft and delivered what they said they would and went beyond to satisfy the customer.
I had received several estimates for my roof to be replaced . I felt most confident when speaking with John Scotti in regards to the business, their reputation and the job to be completed. Everything John said was done exactly how he explained it would be. I am very happy with my new roof I’m glad I chose APC roofing

Ellen Conner


This is a high quality company that is easy to do business with. Their representative, Josh, was with us every step of the way making sure all went well. We chose them over the companies every one else chose. Very high quality work; great communication.

James Crist


Shayne helped me from beginning to end and also Alex and the installation crew did an amazing job and we're very dedicated and hardworking.
I am a realtor and I did not personally have them replace my roof but they worked quickly to assist my customer to get a quote on a tile roof. Ryan Hutton was so quick in helping to meet the customer, get a correct quote and timeline for the job to be completed. Excellent service and super friendly guy!
No doubt about it, APC roofing is the real deal. My new roof installation went like clockwork. Highly professional installers who done an outstanding job. My sincere thanks to Joe Odo who I first contacted and was with me throughout the entire installation.

Kim N


APC Roofing replaced my roof after it was damaged by hail in April. They finished the work in one day and left my yard clean and free of debris. You couldn't even tell they had been there. The PM was Michael Pagano. He was very responsive, gave good guidance, and provided detailed documentation of all the work done which helped with my insurance claim.
We are very pleased with this company. They are very knowledgeable and helped up get the roof replaced.

pedro garcia


This company is great Craig Davis was very nice and he explain everything and kept in contact with me also they came and did my roof in Kissimmee Fl. I appreciate his services and APC good with thank you very much for you services I will recommend this company..

jose rivera


All workers very professional very satisfied
Ryan from APC roofing has done several roofs for my clients. Great company, competitive prices, very professional, outstanding service, and quality workmanship. All happy customers! I would highly recommend!
I recently had my roof replaced and used APC Roofing. I can't say enough good things about this company and the people working for them. Shayne Singh was very professional, polite, very detailed and a responsive person. I would recommend this roofing company to anyone!! Thank you for such great service

Stephen Morris


Great work ethic and customer service. Alberto and staff are great and do top notch work

Tommy Peterson


You can't go wrong with APC! Our church had severe roof damage after Hurricane Idalia. Chris Payne showed up a few days after the storm and offered to take a look at our roof. He gave us an estimate within a few days. He also called us and made sure to stay on top of things so that we knew that he wanted the job and was able to do it. We ended up going with a another Master Elite Contractor (just like APC) company, only because several members of our church are friends of the other business. I highly recommend APC. If anything doesn't work out with the other place we will be coming back to APC. Thanks for caring about us Chris!
I just had a new roof put on and I love it!!! Wonderful customer service from beginning to end...Very professional and I highly recommend them. Andy and Ivan were great and the guys that did the roof were hard working and thorough. I'm very happy!!! Marla Draper
Really good work on part of the team here did the job very fast and profesional within 1 day all work was done . Thanks Tim for having assisted on the process to take te decision and looking after our best interest .
Apc Roofing (Gabe ) met me at my home and asked if I needed my roof inspected for possible replacement. He also explained how his company would work with my Insurance company for payment details. Soon after we contacted my Insurance company they sent an inspector out to confirm Gabes findings. After some additional paperwork (that Apc also helped with) I received payment for their portion of liability for a new roof on my house. A couple weeks later Apc made arrangements with me to start the work. Apc employees came to my house as expected and started working. Their Crew was very respectable while working on my home. All possibilities of damage was considered and avoided. Cleanup was exceptional as well. Thanks again Gabe and crew at APC for an excellent job.

Randy Piatti


Fantastic company, the best I have ever dealt with. Very fair pricing and no B.S. very happy with the crew and the job. All done in about 12 hours.

Brenda Bruhl


They scheduled our roof..arrived on time and finished the roof in 1 day..they scheduled the gutters and completed it in a half day . Really nice job... VERY PLEASED WITH THE QUALITY OF WORK...would highly recommend them and use them again...A +

Sandeep Singh


Apc roofing was fantastic in helping recover from Ian. I love my new roof and didn't have to stress to get it done!
(Translated by Google) Excellent work (Original) Excelente trabajo

Don Carter


From start to finish, great job all around. Dennis was extremely helpful and went out of his way to make sure the roof replacement was done right. The crew was excellent as well. Great job!

Zane Parent


Great Company good workers and they did it for a better price than anyone who quoted us we are very pleased with everything. Jeff is there job estimator he was grate and spot on with the quote and how much extra wood would possibly be needed if your looking for a great roofing team these our your guys.. Thanks APC



The installers were great, our roof looks beautiful and cleaned up everything.

Olivia Bernard


What a great team! They worked with my insurance to get things taken care of quickly after the mess of Ian. Now I can move on to the rest of the house knowing it's protected by my great new roof! We couldn’t be happier.

Lydia Carrion



Scott Case


These guys are top notch you can't get any better than them if we ever need anything they will be the ones I call. Thank you all for your professionalism.

Bart Sutherin


We hired APC to install a new roof on our Childcare Center and I have to say the guys at APC are absolutely outstanding!! They showed up exactly when they said they would. The workmanship was simply top notch and their attention to detail was spot on. They thoroughly inspected roof after the old roof was removed and they made us aware of everything that they found and suggested repairs where they were necessary. We cannot say enough about the APC. And their cleanup was perfect , not a single nail was found anywhere , not on the playgrounds and not in the parking lots. If you want a job done right and on time you need to give these guys a shot because they by far exceeded our expectations.
Thank you Jeff @ APC Roofing for an excellent job replacing my roof. Jeff was there from start to finish, kept me informed throughout the process, always responded to messages, always turned up on time…..great guy and truly deserves 5 stars!!!

Jennifer Hall


I have a rental property that needed a new roof. I called 3 companies to give me quotes so I could make the best decision. Shayne Singh with APC Roofing called me back promptly, and met me at my property within an hour to give an estimate. After speaking with him, I didn't even bother to get the other estimates. Shayne Singh & APC Roofing made the process quick and easy. APC had my roof up in no time, all the guys were excellent, and did a quality job. When they finished my roof, they combed the perimeter a few times to make sure that absolutely no debris was left behind. The job was done in an organized and efficient manner. I am VERY pleased, and have recommend them to my family and friends. In fact, they are working on my neighbors roof right now.

Kim Vose


We just got a new roof installed and love it. Anthony Fontan helped us every step of the way. We could not have asked for it to go any smoother.

Terri Carter


I called APC Roofing after a hail storm to inspect my home. Ken arrived on time for the appointment. After his inspection he showed me pictures of the roof and I was surprised by the amount of damage. I decided to file a claim with my insurance company. Ken meet my field adjuster to make sure they saw all the damage, and my roof was approved for replacement. The crew was so respectful and my yard was completely clean when they finished. I love my new roof! Thank you Ken and APC



They came early and cleaned up when done.

Don Marchand


Very Satisfied
This Roofing Company is Super Professional and Responsible, Before and during work! I recommend them 100%

Eliasim Padin


Excellent job and service. Tony Fontan was great and was patient with me. Definitely recommend this company

stacy tang


I was referred to Joe Tamburino by a very good friend of mine who is a realtor that works with him consistently. I cannot express enough how wonderful it was to have him come out! He described the whole process in detail and was able to answer all of my questions. I will definitely be recommending Joe to anyone else looking for assistance with their roof replacement!

Briana Sherman


This company is amazing!! The are very personable, on time and care about their clients. I would recommend them to absolutely everyone.
APC roofing has made the process so smooth! Kevin our sales person met with us and showed us the best option for solar panels. Within two days we received a phone call from Jennifer and was able to provide information about the process. Glen also came to our home and took pictures for insurance proposes, super nice guy! They submitted all the permits without us having to worry! The day of install they had a whole crew ready to go! Very professional and efficient. The dumpster was delivered the same day and not even 24 hours later it was picked up. The crew was very clean and made sure our house was left how they found it besides our new and amazing roof! Thank you guys so much!!



Very quick, efficient roof job. John Scotti stayed in contact with me through whole process.

Laura Queen


I would like to thank APC Roofing for a job well done! I'am very happy with the outcome of my new roof, very professional team. I want to thank Kevin my Roofing Consultant for being very knowledgeable and explained everything in detailed every step of the way. Because of the great experience I had my mother, my aunt and my neighbor all used APC Roofing. I would highly recommend this company to anyone Thank You!!

Susan Watson


APC Roofing was awesome to work with. Their crew was very professional and very hard workers. Everything was cleaned up and left spotless. Chris was our sales person and explained everything to us prior and came to check on the job. Highly recommend
APC Roofing recently installed a beautiful new roof on our home. Our experience, from the first visit by Lance, the APC salesman through to the finished product, was absolutely great. Their crew arrived in the morning and prepared the site, covering everything around the house so no damage would be done. They finished the job by late afternoon. The crew was polite, worked quickly, and all surrounding areas were meticulously cleaned. From the salesmen, to the hard-working roofing crew, to the team in the office, I couldn't be more satisfied. My sincere thanks to you all.

Aaron S


Jonathan Proto


Great group of guys. I appreciate the work they did to make my roof great.
Excellent work
Great company to wok with
(Translated by Google) I am from the Netherlands, I have been a roofer for 27 years, very nice profession, all the best and good luck with your company (Original) ik kom uit nederland ik ben zelf 27 jaar dakbedekker zeer mooi beroep nog het besten en geluk met uw bedrijf

nancy mcclain


I started with another company but they kept putting me off. After 7months of waiting I cancelled. Found your card in an office, called and within a month, bamm!, most beautiful roof ever. The crew was precise, professional and steadfast. Thank you

Michael Eames


Very professional and walked me through the whole process. I felt assured I would get great results and I was right. Mike Eames

Russell Dail


Very profesional and did the job on budget and on time.

Lee Hanger


I’d like to recommend Shayne Singh who was my point of contact from start to finish. His level of professionalism was great to see in this day and age and his warm and welcoming attitude was very reassuring. I was dreading this process but he made it almost painless and I even saw him pitch in with the labor crew too. It’s people like him that will help Make America Great Again...

Pat Hill


Pam Joplin


Eduardo is amazing! He is very professional, polite and thorough . He is working with me and my insurance company with every step, makes the process so easy! Would definitely recommend APC Roofing for roofing repairs.

Elaine Thomas


APC did an awesome job on our roof. Gabriel was our sales person, and he walked us through the process and was a great source of info. I highly recommend Gabriel and APC for your roofing needs!

art nitowski


We worked with Ryan throughout the roofing process. He was responsive to all of our questions and concerns. Helped guide us through the hurricane recovery process and worked within our timeline. The crew was efficient and pleasant. I have recommended them to several neighbors.
My roof was damaged during a recent hurricane. Tim was very responsive. Came right out, looked at my roof and gave me some options for repair. I appreciated the friendly and professional service!

Art Klein


Very efficient did a great job

Stephen Morris


Great work ethic and customer service. Alberto and staff are great and do top notch work

Fred Samp


APC Roofing helped me with my insurance claim while others who solicited my business totally ignored my weather damage when they gave me an estimate. I am glad I decided to talk to the APC after they finished a job down the street from me. They provided the proper information I needed for my Insurance provider. The adjuster agreed with their findings. And, the whole process from the date I called the insurance provider until APC finished my roof for Marion County inspection was 17 days. This company is professional, trustworthy, and the finished result was perfect.
Matt was my representative, he was professional, I’m very happy with the quality of the work that was done, No leaking, I’m very satisfied with Apc Roofing company & would recommend them to anyone.
Love my new roof from APC Roofing. Every aspect of the process has been nothing but excellent. Would recommend them to anyone needing a new roof. Thank you APC Roofing!!

David Bouchard


Very professional run business. Aaron answered all my questions and responded to any concerns I might have had. Highly recommend APC Roofing for all your roofing needs. Aaron treated me as a friend not just a customer. Thanks Aaron, Dave Bouchard.



While not a large house, we had this company promise a 1 day roof replacement and they lived up to their side. Cleaned up afterwards, long term care and a great quality, would/have highly recommended to everyone

Jason Durrance


Apc roofing was great. I had a leak and I call couple places but did not feel right then I call apc got Kevin Jimenez. He came out that day give a reasonable quote. Help me with all the steps to take. From what I needed to help with loan. And he works like the old days a hand shake is his word. Got job done quick and when he realize he did not need all stuff did not charge me. And change me what was needed. Thanks Kevin and thanks apc roofing. And I well recommend this to anyone need roof work

Courtney Roll


I had such a great experience with APC that I have already contacted them for another roof repair on a different property. They will be my go-to for all future roof repair needs. Kevin was punctual and had amazing follow through. Everyone from the office was extremely responsive as well. Very happy with their service and installation. Thank you!

Allen Greene


APC Roofing is a top notch reliable and respectable company. From the first call for a quote, Brian was on top of the process without being over bearing and aggressive about the sale. He answered every question we had, explained the process and followed up unlike the other 3 companies we asked for a quote. After review and scrutiny of all the companies, we chose APC. A date was set for the new roof. Prior to showing up, everything was laid out, the supervisor Jonathan came by to review the project. The materials were delivered the day before the crew arrived. They arrived promptly at 8am and began the job. They were efficient, quiet, polite and skilled workers. The job site was kept very clean and neat. They completed the entire roof in one day! The supervisor came back by for a follow up and to make sure we were happy with the job they did. A new roof is an expensive venture and we are glad we chose APC Roofing! Great job Brian, Shawn, Jonathan and the crew who installed the roof. Thanks Again!

Brian W


JB Trexler


I had wind damage to my roof and was unsure of how to repair the damage. Chris and his team from APC Roofing were extremely professional, knowledgeable, and helped me work with my insurance company to replace my roof and get it done the correct way. This included removal of solar panels, replacing the entire roof, and re-attaching the solar panels. All of the work was done quickly and professionally. The on-site team was very clean, and upon completion, the yard and surrounding site was cleaner than when they started. Other than a beautiful looking new roof, you would never have known that the team was there. I would recommend APC Roofing for anyone looking or needing any kind of roof repair. Great service, and great quality!

Brandee Fox


Ryan came out to my apartment building my roof has been leaking for months along with a few other tenants and he was so nice and helpful and eager to help and not only explained everything to me but all the tenants were very pleased and happy with the results